Solubility Rules

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Soluble vs. Insoluble.

This unit is under construction - but the practice on the right works!

The solubility of ionic compounds is determined by the bonding between the cation and anion.

Texas Standards

The TEKS associated with this topic is §112.35 (c)(10)(B) "develop and use general rules regarding solubility through investigations with aqueous solutions;" (readiness standard)

Soluble vs. Insoluble Practice

Practice determining if random ionic compounds are soluble or insoluble using the rules you learned on the left. .

Water Reading

More about Wateer


Here are some worksheets with problems about Avogadro's Law.


Here you can find some PowerPoints covering Avogadro's' Law.

External Videos

There are a few sources of information about Gas Laws on the internet. Here are a few of them

External Links

Here are some other links to external sites that talk about Avogadro's Law.

Things to Remember

Lots of Links