Limiting Reactant Stoichiometry Problems
This site will produce an unlimited number of stoichiometry problems related to 'Limiting Reactants'.
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teacher 'Guest Student' if you are not from Haltom High School.
Name: * Teacher: *
Consider the following reaction:

   C4H10O + 6O2 => 4CO2 + 5H2O

 Given 39.01g of C4H10O, and 214.88g of O2
First determine which of the reactants is limiting.
What is the theoretical yield of CO2? (you must know which is the limiting reactant to get this right!)
Answer to the hundreth's place (0.01)
Yield: *

How much of the excess reactant is CONSUMED in the reaction?
Answer to the nearest hundredth's place (0.01)
Excess Used: *

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name and teacher above to get credit for your work.

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March 10 2025, 05:00:33 GMT

Ver 01.01.03 March 2016 - by G. W. Franz